Ufuk2020 programında tematik alanlar özelinde açılan çağrılar dışında,  INNOSUP 01 programı kapsamında “üçüncü taraflara açılan çağrılar” başlığı altında KOBİ’lerin başvuracağı çağrılar ya da ödüller çoğunlukta olmakla birlikte farklı kurum, kuruluş veya araştırmacıların konsorsiyumlu ya da konsorsiyumsuz başvuracağı çağrılar bulunmaktadır. Çağrı konuları ise ilgili olduğu INNOSUP 01 projesi doğrultusunda Ufuk2020 ile ilintili farklı konu ve problemleri içermektedir. Üçüncü tarafların başvurabileceği çağrıların son başvuru tarihi ise değişiklik göstermektedir.

INNOSUP 01 çağrısı ile ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiye buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. 

Bahsedilen “üçüncü taraflara açılan çağrılar”a ve açık çağrılar kapsamında başvuru koşullarına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.


Ufuk2020 INNOSUP Programı Tematik Alanlar Özelinde 3. Taraflara Açılan Çağrılar


Araştırma Kuruluşlarına / Araştırmacılara ve Diğer Kurumlara Açık Çağrılar

MARKET4.0 – 1st Open Call

Deadline: 28 May 2020

Call title: MARKET4.0 – 1st Open Call for proposals

Project full name: A Multi-Sided Business Platform for Plug and Produce Industrial Product Service Systems

Project acronym: MARKET4.0

Grant agreement number: 822064

Publication date: 1 March 2020

Deadline: 28 May 2020 at 17:00 (CET)

Total financial support per sub-project: The budget per sub-project may be either €50 000 or €100 000 depending on the type of project.

Expected duration of participation: 12 months

Type of partner organisations involved in the experiment: The consortium members are in one of the following categories:

Production equipment providers or technology providers in the manufacturing sector,

Manufacturing companies (e.g. Original Equipment Manufacturers, Tier-1 suppliers, Tier-2 suppliers, Tier-3 suppliers, in different sectors such as automotive, aerospace, white goods etc.),

Research/non-industrial legal entities (i.e. research centres, universities) and

Industrial associations.

Project web address: http://market40.eu

Proposal submission web address & full call information: http://market40.eu/open-calls

Further information: market40opencalls@market40.eu or via F6S

Additional information

Call Details

One of the main objectives of the MARKET4.0 open calls is to increase the MARKET4.0 ecosystem and alliance building. Through financial support to third parties, the MARKET4.0 platform will be populated with production equipment and services data by relevant production equipment suppliers as well as the MARKET4.0 platform will be enriched with offerings in terms of applications and services.


Open call-1 asks for two types (type A and type B) of projects as explained hereafter.


Type A: Requests for projects addresses production equipment companies that want to connect to the MARKET4.0 marketplace in one of the three domains (metal, plastics and high-tech), by installing and configuring IDS connectors and using domain-specific apps in order to populate with their data the MARKET4.0 platform. Proposals are expected from production equipment companies together with software companies that undertake the implementation of the IDS connection part. The production equipment supplier should be in one of MARKET4.0 domains (metal, plastics or high-tech). Type A projects will be funded with fixed lump-sums of €100 000.


Type B: Requests for projects offering services in order to extend the functionalities of existing production equipment domains (metal, plastics, and high-tech). In this type, the consortium consists of at least one software or technology provider company for offering additional application(s) or service(s) on top of the MARKET4.0 platform. It is expected that the applicants already have some solution in place and will receive funding for integrating their solutions through the MARKET4.0 platform. Type B projects will be funded with fixed lump-sums of €50 000.

A total funding of €1 200 000 to open call -1 will be allocated.

Submission Details

Call opens: 1 March 2020

Submission deadline: All submissions must be made by 17:00 PM CET, 28 May 2020

Electronic submission: Proposal should be submitted only via F6S

For Open Call documentation, visit http://market40.eu. To request matchmaking support for the purposes of consortium building, fill in the application form on F6S.


NGIatlantic.eu’s 1st Open Call

Publication date: 1 April 2020

Deadline: 29 May 2020 at 17:00 (CET)

Target participants: Private and public organisations of any size (SMEs/researchers/startup/industry but not including individual researchers) located within the EU Member States or Associated Countries and twinned with a US counterpart to carry out the activities proposed. Please note that the funding is limited to coverage of the work to be carried out by the EU team. For the US teams, please refer to the funding mechanisms of your US partners (e.g. National Science Foundation).

Further information:


Jim Clarke – jclarke@tssg.org

Sara Pittonet Gaiarin – s.pittonet@trust-itservices.com


Additional information


The main goal is to incentivize EU – US teams to carry out experiments with NGI technologies. The focus will be the first set of priority topics of the EU’s NGI Initiative in which some results are already available to be partnered with an US team and experimental platform of the proposer’s choice. Call 1 topics: Key enabling NGI technologies such as 5G, IoT, cybersecurity, A.I., and others, addressing 1. Privacy & Trust enhancing technologies, 2. Decentralized data governance, or 3. Discovery and identification technologies. Please note that while the focus is on topics already addressed in other NGI projects, the call is also open to new EU innovators wishing to carry out experiments with a US-based team.


ENEN+ project: Call for grants

Deadline: 30 September 2020

Project full name: Attract, Retain and Develop New Nuclear Talents Beyond Academic Curricula
Project acronym: ENEN+
Call title: ENEN+ project: Call for grants
Grant agreement number: 755576
Publication Date: 1 March 2018
Deadline: 30 September 2020
Expected duration of participation: mobility actions of different length
Total EU funding available: over €1 000 000
Submission & evaluation process: see description on https://plus.enen.eu/grants/
E-mail address for further informationsecretariat@enen.eu / pedro.dieguez@enen.eu
Task description: Mobility grants for learners, who would like to improve their knowledge, skills and competitiveness for career opportunities in the nuclear fields.


European Language Grid (ELG) – Call for Evaluators

Deadline: 31 October 2020

Call title: ELG – Call for Evaluators
Project full name: European Language Grid
Project acronym: ELG
Grant agreement number: 825627
Publication date: 14 February 2020
Deadline: 31 October 2020 at 17:00 (Brussels time)
Expected duration of participation: 10 months

Submission & evaluation process:

Interested candidates are invited to complete the online application form.

Candidates will be asked to submit an application together with their CV; the application will be evaluated upon the following criteria:

  • Have a strong demonstrated expertise in an area relevant to ELG;
  • Previous experience as an evaluator (e.g. for the European Commission, other funding authorities) is desirable;
  • Selection of evaluators will include criteria to establish balanced representation:
    • Geographical balance
    • Gender balance
    • Domain expertise balance

This is a continuous call for evaluators, and it will remain open as long as needed; applicants could select the calls (first or second or both) they would like to evaluate.

Further informationevaluators@european-language-grid.eu / https://www.european-language-grid.eu/news/

Task description

External evaluators will operate remotely via a dedicated web interface (ELG Open Calls Platform) and will be responsible for evaluating the project proposals submitted in open calls for ELG pilot projects. Evaluators will be routinely selected from the pool to ensure that no conflict of interest exists in their duties as evaluators. Consequently, evaluators will be asked to sign a non-conflict of interest and confidentiality agreement, before being accepted to perform their duties.

Proposal template is rather simple and evaluation procedure is set to be lightweight. Project proposals will be max. 10 pages long, including title page and formalities. We estimate the evaluation of single project to last approx. 1 hour. Evaluators will receive a fee of €40 per one evaluated project. We expect each evaluator to be assigned 4 – 8 projects for evaluation.

Who Can Apply?

Professionals with experience in language technologies are welcomed to apply.

The following eligibility criteria apply:

  • Evaluators should not be part of the ELG project consortium.
  • Individuals from ELG project consortium institutions who are not officially assigned to and financially supported by the ELG project are eligible to apply.
  • Evaluators will be asked to sign a non-conflict of interest agreement, before being accepted to perform their duties for a project proposal. A conflict of interest exists if an evaluator:
    • was involved in any way in the preparation of the proposal or submitted the proposal itself
    • stands to benefit directly or indirectly if the proposal is accepted
    • has a close family or personal relationship with the applicant or the applicant’s organisation
    • is a director, trustee or partner or is in any way involved in the management of the applicant’s organisation
    • is employed or contracted by the applicant’s organisation or any named subcontractors
    • has submitted a proposal in response to the same call


Block.IS Cluster Missions Open Call

Deadline: 22 October 2021

Call title: Block.IS Cluster Missions Open Call
Project full name: Blockchain Innovation Spaces
Project acronym: Block.IS
Grant agreement number: 824509
Publication date: 3 October 2019 (dates for the cluster missions will be communicated timely on the project website)
Deadline: 22 October 2021 (deadline for the final mission: 22 October 2021 at 17:00 (Brussels time))
Expected duration of participation: 2-3 days per cluster mission
Total EU funding available: €90 000 (up to €750 per participant)
Submission & evaluation process:

Clusters are crucial for the Block.IS ecosystem. We want to empower clusters to serve as multipliers of the comprehensive support our accelerator is offering to innovators. Therefore, we invite clusters and their most active members working around or willing to utilise the potential of blockchain technologies to join the Block.IS Cluster Missions.

For every one out of 15 planned cluster missions a jury panel of 3 Block.IS team members will evaluate applications (a member of the coordinator’s team, a hosting cluster representative and a representative of another cluster partner in the consortium). The final mark for each application is the arithmetic mean of assessments given by each jury member.

Apply: https://blockis.eu/

Further information: Details available at https://blockis.eu/apply-now/cluster-missions/
Task description: Block.IS Cluster Missions include a roadshow of short-term brainstorming sessions, organised by clusters and for clusters across Europe. Missions aim to bring clusters together, to inspire them to learn more about the Block.IS ecosystem and to understand better how their members can benefit from the funding, business and technical support Block.IS is offering. The cluster missions roadshow will foster cross-border and cross-sectoral collaboration between clusters in Europe.