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Ufuk2020 INNOSUP Programı Tematik Alanlar Özelinde 3. Taraflara Açılan Çağrılar

Enerji Alanındaki Çağrılar

PARSEC Open Call #2 – EO-based solutions for Food, Energy and Environment sectors

Deadline: 20 June 2020

Project acronym: PARSEC
Project full name: Promoting the international competitiveness of European Remote Sensing companies through Cross cluster collaboration
Project grant agreement number: 824478
Publication date: 30 March 2020
Deadline: 20 June 2020, at 17:00 (CET)
Expected duration of participation: 16 months
Total EU funding available: €1 500 000
Submission & evaluation process:

Consortia of SMEs can apply by 20 June 2020, by sending an email to admin@parsec-accelerator.eu with all the necessary documentation:

  • Consortium declaration
  • Pitch deck (presentation including Pitch, Product/Service Overview and Business Model)
  • Declaration of Honour

Consortia must be formed by minimum two and maximum four partners, where at least one of the partners is a successful beneficiary from Open Call 1 who also has to be the leader of the consortium. Consortia have to fulfil at least one of the following criteria:

  • Be from the same sector, but different countries (cross-border),
  • Be from different sectors but the same country (cross-sectoral), or
  • Both, from different sectors and different countries.

The templates for the application documents will be provided to all 100 beneficiaries of PARSEC Open Call #1.

Eligible consortia will be invited to the PARSEC Demo Day which will take place in July 2020 in Brussels, Belgium. Consortia will present their business idea in front of a Jury of experts which will select 15 teams to be contracted.

Each of the 15 selected consortia will receive €100 000, and access to further support services.

The maximum amount to be granted to each third party in the context of the PARSEC Accelerator (i.e. for both calls) may not exceed €60 000 (up to €50 000 for Open Call 2).

To join the 100 beneficiaries of the first Open Call, SMEs are invited to check out PARSEC website and follow PARSEC social media to learn about the selected companies and to keep track of upcoming events. During spring 2020, five matchmaking events will be organised to facilitate meeting the companies and formation of consortia: three on-site organised in different locations in Europe, and two online.

Further information is available on the PARSEC website where you could also subscribe to e-mail alerts related to the PARSEC Accelerator.

Further information:

The PARSEC Accelerator aims to expand the use of Earth Observation for new products and services of the Energy, Environment and Food sectors by providing European SMEs access to Knowledge, Markets, Technology and Capital.

PARSEC is a two-stage accelerator with two Open Calls. The goal of the PARSEC Open Calls is to support European SMEs in the development of innovative Earth Observation services and products dedicated to Energy, Environment and Food markets by using a cross-border and/or cross-market collaboration.

PARSEC will provide SMEs from different emerging industry sectors with the necessary resources to develop and launch EO-based services with a strong value for users and a solid business proposition.

Consortia will not only receive funding (€100 000 per consortium), but also access to coaching services, export promotion training, and to investment readiness programme. To be able to exploit the EO-data and their potential beneficiaries will be provided with platforms facilitating access and the use of the EO data. Three Business Catalysts will be available for beneficiaries:

  • Big Data Toolbox – suite of tools offering easier access, processing, analysis and storage of EO data
  • In situ Data Hub – tool providing access to real- and past-time data in a structured way
  • eoMALL and eoPAGES – online platforms for promoting EO-based services opening up the window to the market

Task description:

Types of activities and areas of interest which qualify for funding in PARSEC: sustainable food (including fields such as agriculture, livestock, water management etc.), energy (including fields such as oil and gas, renewable energy sources, mining etc.), environment (land, ocean, atmosphere), as well as informed policymaking, adaptation to climate change, smart cities etc.