Ufuk2020 programında tematik alanlar özelinde açılan çağrılar dışında,  INNOSUP 01 programı kapsamında “üçüncü taraflara açılan çağrılar” başlığı altında KOBİ’lerin başvuracağı çağrılar ya da ödüller çoğunlukta olmakla birlikte farklı kurum, kuruluş veya araştırmacıların konsorsiyumlu ya da konsorsiyumsuz başvuracağı çağrılar bulunmaktadır. Çağrı konuları ise ilgili olduğu INNOSUP 01 projesi doğrultusunda Ufuk2020 ile ilintili farklı konu ve problemleri içermektedir. Üçüncü tarafların başvurabileceği çağrıların son başvuru tarihi ise değişiklik göstermektedir.

INNOSUP 01 çağrısı ile ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiye buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. 

Bahsedilen “üçüncü taraflara açılan çağrılar”a ve açık çağrılar kapsamında başvuru koşullarına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.


Ufuk2020 INNOSUP Programı Tematik Alanlar Özelinde 3. Taraflara Açılan Çağrılar

Sağlık Alanındaki Çağrılar


DIGI-B-CUBE Travel Vouchers

Deadline: 28 February 2022

Project full name: Digital Enterprise Innovations for Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking Industries
Project acronym: DIGI-B-CUBE
Grant agreement number: 824920
Call publication date: 20 September 2019
Call deadline: 28 February 2022 at 17:00 (CET)
Expected duration of participation: 1-5 days
Total EU funding available: €200 000
Submission & evaluation process: Travel Voucher cover travel and accommodation costs for participants of official DIGI-B-CUBE events (including travel and accommodation costs & conference fees to attend satellite events i.e. organised/co-organised by DIGI-B-CUBE consortium). These events will be announced on the DIGI-B-CUBE website. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) can apply online via the DIGI-B-CUBE collaborative platform. Applications will be reviewed by the DIGI-B-CUBE partner who is organising the event. Travel Vouchers will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis and depend on the travel voucher budget allocated/available.


Further informationhttp://digibcube.eu/open-calls/
Task description: SMEs can receive reimbursement for their travel and accommodation costs when attending DIGI-B-CUBE workshops and matchmaking events to

  1. identify innovation barriers in the medical diagnostics value chain
  2. identify digital solutions to overcome these barriers
  3. initiate cross-sectoral collaborations between the health and IT sector

The maximum amount of reimbursement for each travel voucher is €2 000.


DIGI-B-CUBE Prototyping Vouchers

Deadline: 3 February 2021

Project full name: Digital Enterprise Innovations for Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking Industries
Project acronym: DIGI-B-CUBE
Grant agreement number: 824920
Call publication date: 22 April 2020
Call deadline:
1st cut-off: 29 July 2020 at 17:00 (CET)
2nd cut-off: 3 February 2021 at 17:00 (CET)
Expected duration of participation: 1 to 3 months
Total EU funding available: €2.7 million
Max funding per SME per voucher type: €20 000
Max funding per project: €60 000
Applicant Group / Requirement: Consortium consisting of minimum 2 SMEs and maximum 3 organisations; from at least 2 different sectors (Example: An SME from healthcare/medicine/biotech/biopharma + An SME from IT and related sectors)
Target Group: SMEs from the following sectors are eligible to apply for DIGI-B-CUBE vouchers:

  • healthcare / medicine / biotech / biopharma
  • IT and related sectors (robotics, automation, electronics, nanotech etc.)

The DIGI-B-CUBE vouchers will support the projects in the reconfiguration of Medical Diagnostics and related value chains (for more information, please visit https://digibcube.eu/open-calls/.

Submission process: Applications must be filled and submitted online through the DIGI-B-CUBE platform.
Evaluation process: The evaluation process takes max. 4 weeks starting from the respective cut-off date/deadline. The applicant/s will receive an e-mail about the outcome of the assessment.
Further information:
Task description: Support to prototype or conceptualise a solution (proof of concept, feasibility study) for a digitalization challenge in the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains.


DIGI-B-CUBE Customised Solution Innovation Vouchers

Deadline: 3 February 2021

Project full name: Digital Enterprise Innovations for Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking Industries
Project acronym: DIGI-B-CUBE
Grant agreement number: 824920
Call publication date: 22 April 2020
Call deadline:
1st cut-off: 29 July 2020 at 17:00 (CET)
2nd cut-off: 3 February 2021 at 17:00 (CET)
Expected duration of participation:2 to 6 months
Total EU funding available: €2.7 million
Max funding per SME per voucher type: €50 000
Max funding per project: €150 000
Applicant Group / Requirement: Consortium consisting of minimum 2 SMEs; from at least 2 different sectors (Example: An SME from healthcare/medicine/biotech/biopharma + An SME from IT and related sectors)
Target Group:
SMEs from the following sectors are eligible to apply for DIGI-B-CUBE vouchers:

  • healthcare / medicine / biotech / biopharma
  • IT and related sectors (robotics, automation, electronics, nanotech etc.)

The DIGI-B-CUBE vouchers will support the projects in the reconfiguration of Medical Diagnostics and related value chains (for more information, please visit https://digibcube.eu/open-calls/.

Submission process: Applications must be filled and submitted online through the DIGI-B-CUBE platform.
Evaluation process: The evaluation process takes max. 4 weeks starting from the respective cut-off date/deadline. The applicant/s will receive an e-mail about the outcome of the assessment.
Further information:
Task description: Support to jointly develop a novel product/service based on an existing proven concept that addresses a digitalization challenge in the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains.


eSSIF-Lab Infrastructure-oriented Open Call

Deadline: 30 June 2021

Project acronym: eSSIF-Lab
Project full name: European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework Lab
Call identifier: eSSIF-Lab IO
Project grant agreement number: 871932
Deadline: 30 June 2021, or when the first 50 eligible proposals are received, whichever comes first
Expected duration of participation: 9 months
Maximum amount of financial support for each third party: up to €155 000
Submission language: English
Complete overview of the call text and proposal guidelineshttps://essif-lab-infrastructure-oriented.fundingbox.com/
E-mail address for further informationinfo@essif-lab.eu

Additional information:

The European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework Lab (eSSIF-Lab) will support the development and testing of novel scalable and interoperable applications using eSSIF-Lab infrastructure or the provision of components to this infrastructure.

Solutions proposed must be in a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3 to 5 and proposed applications should fall within the Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) concept (i.e. technologies which allow individuals to control their electronic identities and guard their privacy).

Open source SSI components developed as a result of this open call will be applied at a later stage in areas such as HealthTech, e-Government, Education or by proposals in the generic track of Open Disruptive Innovation. Hence, applicants shall be willing and able to work in an agile way with a good deal of communication and interaction with other participants in the eSSIF-Lab ecosystem, together developing the eSSIF-Lab Framework and testing the interoperability of delivered components.

The call targets innovators (such as outstanding academic research groups, hi-tech start-ups and SMEs), legally established/resident in a Member State of the EU or in a H2020 associated country.

More information about Next Generation Internet: https://ngi.eu/


DIGI-B-CUBE Continuous Open Call for Co-working Disruption Lab Vouchers

Deadline: 27 October 2021

Project full name: Digital Enterprise Innovations for Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking Industries
Project acronym: DIGI-B-CUBE
Grant agreement number: 824920
Call publication date: 22 April 2020
Call deadline: Continuous Open Call for Co-working Disruption Lab Voucher from 28 October 2020 to 27 October 2021, 17:00 (CET)
Expected duration of participation: 0.5 to 2 months
Total EU funding available: €2.7 million
Max funding per SME per voucher type: €10 000
Max funding per project: €10 000
Applicant Group / Requirement: One SME from a completed Customized Solution Innovation Voucher project consortium + a host organisation (host does not receive direct funding from this voucher)
Target Group:
SMEs from the following sectors are eligible to apply for DIGI-B-CUBE vouchers:

  • healthcare / medicine / biotech / biopharma
  • IT and related sectors (robotics, automation, electronics, nanotech etc.)

The DIGI-B-CUBE vouchers will support the projects in the reconfiguration of Medical Diagnostics and related value chains (for more information, please visit https://digibcube.eu/open-calls/.

Submission process: Applications must be filled and submitted online through the DIGI-B-CUBE platform.
Evaluation process: The evaluation process takes max. 4 weeks starting from the respective cut-off date/deadline. The applicant/s will receive an e-mail about the outcome of the assessment.
Further information:
Task description: Support to further advance a successfully completed customised solution innovation voucher project in an incubator / accelerator / co-working space of the DIGI-B-CUBE clusters’ network (or) in labs, technical and innovation facilities of other relevant SMEs.