Tarım-Gıda Değer Zinciri
Konu 1.3.1: Geleneksel Akdeniz gıdalarının izlenebilirliği ve özgünlüğünün kontrolü için analitik araçlar ve dijital teknolojiler
Implementation of analytical tools and digital technology to achieve traceability and authenticity control of traditional Mediterranean foods
Desteklenmeye Uygun Bulunan Projeler
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Med Food TTHubs |
Trace & Trust Hubs for MED food |
An interlinked digital platform for Food Integrity and Traceability of relevant MEDIterranean supply chains |
Fostering Mediterranean fish assuring traceability and authenticity |
Tracing rice and valorizing side streams along Mediterranean blockchain |
Yedek Listedeki Projeler
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DairyTracer |
Digital solutions for the traceability of dairy sector and the sustainability of Mediterranean traditional products |
GPSeed |
Implementation of tools and strategies to ensure authenticity and detect fraud in wheat and rice seeds |
Tarım Sistemleri
Konu 1.2.2: Akdeniz serası ve yoğun bahçeciliğin sürdürülebilirliği ve rekabet gücü
Sustainability and competitiveness of Mediterranean greenhouse and intensive horticulture
Desteklenmeye Uygun Bulunan Projeler
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Improvement of Mediterranean greenhouses performance by the use of innovative plastic materials, natural additives and novelty irrigation technologies. |
HortiMED |
Towards circular horticulture: closing the loop on Mediterranean greenhouses |
Innovative greenhouse support system in the mediterranean region: efficient fertigation and pest management through IoT based climate control |
SusMedHouse |
Efficient, Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Mediterranean Greenhouse Integrated with Artificial Intelligence, Hi-Tech Automation and Control System |
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Promoting Digital Greenhouse Technologies and Symbiotic Actions for Sustainable and Competitive Farming |
Tarım Sistemleri
Konu 1.2.1: Akdeniz kuru tarımında su ve toprağın korunması, küçük topraklarda tarım
Conserving water and soil in Mediterranean dry-farming, smallholder agriculture
Desteklenmeye Uygun Bulunan Projeler
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Camelina: a Cash Cover Crop Enhancing water and soil conservation in MEDiterranean dry-farming systems |
Research-based participatory approaches for adopting Conservation Agriculture in the Mediterranean Area |
ConServeTerra |
Overcoming the physical and mental barriers for upscaling Conservation Agriculture in the Mediterranean |
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Ad-hOC |
Mediterranean cooperation partnership for Adoption of soil and water conservation Techniques in Olive trees Cultivation |
Su Yönetimi
Konu 1.1.1: Su stresi altındaki Akdeniz bölgelerinde sürdürülebilir yeraltı suyu yönetimi
Sustainable groundwater management in water-stressed Mediterranean areas
Desteklenmeye Uygun Bulunan Projeler
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Citizen science and ICT-based enhanced information systems for groundwater assessment, modelling and sustainable participatory management |
Governance tool for sustainable water resources allocation in the Mediterranean through Stakeholder’s collaboration. Towards a paradigm shift in groundwater management by end-users |
InTheMED |
Innovative and Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Mediterranean |
Sustainable groundwater RESources managEment by integrating eaRth observation deriVed monitoring and flOw modelling Results |
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intElligent coNtext-aware platform for SUstainable groundwateR managEment |
Konu 1.4.1: Su-Ekosistem-Gıda kesişimlerinin sektörler arası yönetişiminin sosyal, teknik ve ekonomik faydalarının değerlendirilmesi
Assessing social, technical and economic benefits of a cross-sectoral governance of the Water-Ecosystem-Food Nexus
Desteklenmeye Uygun Bulunan Projeler
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AWESOME – mAnaging Water, Ecosystems and food across sectors and Scales in the sOuth MEditerranean |
SIGMA-Nexus |
Sustainable Innovation and Governance in the Mediterranean Area for the WEF Nexus |
Yedek Listedeki Projeler
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WEFace |
Empowering farmers in setting up innovative strategies for water related agro-ecosystems services |
Konu 1.4.2: Akdeniz bölgesinde Tarım Sistemleri, Su Yönetimi, Tarım-Gıda Değer Zinciri konularında geçmiş ve devam eden deneyimlerden en iyi uygulamaların haritalandırılması ve bunlardan fayda sağlanması
Platform for mapping and capitalisation of results and best practices from past and on-going projects related to farming system, water and food in the Mediterranean Area
Desteklenmeye Uygun Bulunan Projeler
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Participatory Hub for Effective Mapping, Acceleration and Capitalization and of EU-MPC NEXUS best practice |
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From best theories to best practices. Turning farming systems and agro-food chains discoveries into agro business operations innovations actions |